Sunday 22 March 2009

New Diplomacy

After the seminars discussions I think the most important aspects of New Diplomacy is the public diplomacy. With the technology advances, diplomacy no longer depends on the hands of diplomats posted in different capitals because the speed and spread of information and propaganda has changed the way old diplomacy used to be conducted.
Today, in the globalize world, foreign ministries no longer have control over international issues alone, the non-state actors, such as NGOs, ICs and the public in general are all engaged in resolving international issues.
The establishment of the United Nations was the main foundation of public diplomacy; and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role from providing technological expertise to lobbying for policies on environment, poverty, third world debt, human rights, etc., a vivid example of openness and inclusive in the new diplomacy, are of private individual celebrities such the musicians Gildoff and Bono, footballers David Beckham, Ginolla, just to mention a few being influential in dealing with public issues. Also, international corporations have big influence on governments in policymaking for economical and technological reasons.
Foreign ministries still hold control over multilateral issues such as defense and security which are kept secret to the public
In conclusion, new diplomacy, with information technology, transport and communications (Kissinger’s shuttle diplomacy), foreign ministers meetings, head of states and governments summits, the speed that news is spread via media has changed the way in which crucial information on international relations depended entirely from diplomat’s efficiency on data collection. Furthermore, after the September 11th 2001, terrorism has come to the top of the international agenda, where diplomacy is conducted multilaterally after hard power by the Bush Administration seems to be unsuccessful, soft power is now in use for public awareness in order to eradicate Muslim fundamentalism in the world. So far the most aspects of the new diplomacy is the shift from secrecy to more open and engagement of non-state actors and the public to solve the international matters.

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