Tuesday 28 April 2009

My understanding of diplomacy today

My understanding of diplomacy has changed in many ways as a result of taking this module. I have become fully aware of the complexity that is the art and practice of negotiations between states and of governing relations between states. Diplomacy has undoubtedly always been a complex matter, and the difficulties of manoeuvring among different states with different national interest, has been proved by the fact that many found the way diplomacy was conducted was a key factor in the outbreak of war in 1914. However, with the growing number of states involved in diplomatic relations and with the ever widening number of issues that these states have to deal with, the complexity of diplomacy has only increased. As a result, conference diplomacy has increased and in order to make up for the lack of expertise in some areas, diplomats have seen the necessity to bring different elements of civil society into the decision making process.
The distinction that is often made between old and new diplomacy is not as clear as one might think. There have certainly been changes in the structure and conduct of diplomacy over the years; however it has happened as a gradual process. Many of the features of the so called old diplomacy still exist today alongside new diplomacy. As an example, the developments in the EU show how bilateral institutions of diplomacy are still considered important with the continued existence of traditional embassies of one member country in the capital of another member country, despite the fact that all have permanent representations to the EU. Traditional embassies and permanent representations to the EU fulfil different roles that are still rendered important.

1 comment:

  1. Mariah,
    I have to say, I think your piece is well written and I couldnt agree more.


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