Friday 1 May 2009

My understanding of diplomacy today

When I first started this module, I had a rough idea what it may be about. Now I had a whole semister, It has been the most fascinating module. My understanding of diplomacy before my course was that it was about secrecy; conducted by sophisticated career diplomats on behalf of their country! I suppose I got the traditional character of diplomacy right but I discover it is a lot more than that. Bilateral or traditional diplomacy, like everthing else had to evolve. Today, diplomacy involves many multilateral bodies such as NGOs IGOS intra-states such as the EU or OAU Trade and organisations such as WTO , WHO and others who handle International issues such as Narcotic prevention International terrorism and climate change. The world faces multiple international issues. This is partly due to globalisation who has brought immese change to the way we live and also where we live especially since the end of the cold war which has seen unpresedented level of migration and movement of people which brings its on challenge to international politics. The way diplomacy was traditionally conducted through the Foreign Office and embassies is changed too-Following the revolution with information technology, traditional bodies of diplomacy had to adjust to this new change. Diplomacy may or may not be still state-centric however, we cannot shy away from the fact that, there are a lot more actors now in scene and states no longer dictate or call the shots as how diplomacy is conducted and perceived. There are organisations and groups now who are speaking on behalf of the disadvantaged, the abused and exploited in International summits representing and negotiating forgotten groups and issues. In my view, this is a wonderful development that is all inclusive and gives full representation of all issues and people of the world. Diplomacy is all about finding solution to issues-whatever they may be.

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